Chicago – Milwaukee Environmental Assessment And Service Development Plan

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  • Customer :Michale Jeff
  • Category :Business
  • Date :16 April, 2018
  • Status :In Process
  • Live demo
  • Tags :investment , finance

Case Description

Project Description

Quandel Consultants is under contract with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) to develop an Environmental Assessment (EA) and Service Development Plan for a proposed increase in passenger rail service on Amtrak’s Hiawatha Service between Chicago and Milwaukee. The EA will analyze the environmental impacts that result from increasing the number of intercity daily round trips from 7 to 10 and from increasing speeds from a maximum of 79 MPH to a maximum of 90 MPH.

Services Provided

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  • Planning Quandel is responsible for stakeholder engagement planning including railroad coordination, agency coordination, and public involvement. The Service Development Plan will demonstrate the operational and financial feasibility of the preferred alternative and present an overall plan for implementing the improved service.
  • Engineering Quandel engaged in working group meetings with railroad stakeholders in order to identify the infrastructure improvements necessary to support the increase in daily round trips. Projects include new signal installations, the addition of a second platform at the Milwaukee Airport Amtrak station, the addition of crossovers, and the extensions of passing sidings.
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Final Results

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